Can one decision change your life? 16/11/2017, IHL If this boy had packed his bag the night before, would his story have ended differently? Even wars have rules. Respect Geneva Conventions
Tel Aviv University won the 11th National Competition on IHL 6/11/2017, IHL / IHL events and conferences Efrat Fadida and Shani Rozenzweig from Tel Aviv University are the winners of the 11th national competition on International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The ...
The hope for a future without nuclear weapons: ICRC statement to the United Nations 5/11/2017, IHL / News releases and statements Speech by ICRC President Peter Maurer on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, United Nations General Assembly, 72nd session. First published: ...
Photo Album: The 11th competition on International Humanitarian Law 2/11/2017, IHL / IHL events and conferences Photos of the 11th national competition on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) in Tzuba and Mishkanot Sha’ananim, 23-26 October 2017
The 11th National Competition on IHL is launched! 23/10/2017, IHL / IHL events and conferences We are pleased to announce the 2017 Israeli National IHL Competition, which will take place for the 11th time, in Jerusalem from Monday ...
What would happen if a nuclear bomb dropped tomorrow? 28/8/2017, IHL If a nuclear bomb dropped tomorrow, this is what could happen: click to watch the video The humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons are ...
Who is bound by the Geneva Conventions? 22/8/2017, IHL Only States may become party to international treaties, and thus to the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols. However, all parties to an ...
How are suspected war criminals prosecuted under international law? 14/8/2017, IHL War crimes are serious violations of IHL committed during international or non-international armed conflicts. Definitions or lists of war crimes can be found ...
What is the ICRC ’s role in developing and ensuring respect for IHL? 14/8/2017, IHL As the guardian and promoter of IHL, the ICRC takes action to protect and assist victims of armed conflicts and other situations of ...
How is IHL implemented? 14/8/2017, IHL Implementation of IHL – turning the rules into action – is first and foremost the responsibility of the States that are party to ...