Afghanistan: Concern over growing number of civilian casualties 30/04/2015, Articles The Director of Operations at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Dominik Stillhart, has expressed concern at the growing number of ...
Cash assistance targets resilience for IDPs 09/03/2015, Articles / Videos Fatuma and her family fled armed conflict in Mogadishu several years ago. They have since been living in a displacement camp located in ...
Economic Security Assistance: 1,639,388 Beneficiaries 04/03/2015 The ICRC’s economic security work strives to ensure that households and communities can cover their unavoidable expenditures and maintain or restore sustainable livelihoods. ...
Promoting International Humanitarian Law And Humanitarian Principles: 295 Officers 04/03/2015 The aim is to increase knowledge and respect of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and humanitarian principles. IHL training to 245 Officers from ...
Restoring Family Links: 67,282 Beneficiaries 04/03/2015 In the turmoil of disaster and conflict, family members can be separated. The ICRC, the Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS) and the network ...
Detention-Related Activities: 4,634 Beneficiaries 04/03/2015 ICRC detention visits aim to ensure that prisoners are treated with dignity and humanity. 66 visits to 26 places of detention (central prisons, ...
Water and Habitat: 256,773 Beneficiaries 04/03/2015 The aim is to facilitate the access to safe water supplies and improve sanitation conditions. Improved the access to water in 40 communities ...