Decades of service to Keysaney hospital in Mogadishu 07/05/2015, Articles Dr. Ahmed Mohamed, alias Dr. Tajir, began working at Keysaney hospital in 1992, a year after the fall of the Said Barre regime ...
Afghanistan: Concern over growing number of civilian casualties 30/04/2015, Articles The Director of Operations at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Dominik Stillhart, has expressed concern at the growing number of ...
Cash assistance targets resilience for IDPs 09/03/2015, Articles / Videos Fatuma and her family fled armed conflict in Mogadishu several years ago. They have since been living in a displacement camp located in ...
Somalia: Restoring Family Links 01/03/2015, Articles In the turmoil of disaster and conflict, family members can be separated. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Somali Red ...