The ICRC’s support includes provision of quality medical supplies and equipment, rehabilitation of medical facilities, capacity building of health staff and volunteers, payment of salaries and running costs in primary health care clinics and hospitals.


  • Free treatment at the 46 SRCS primary health care facilities (33 fixed and 13 mobile) for the most common diseases and health education activities were carried out focusing on preventable diseases benefiting 393,535 persons (353,864 patients, 8,697 pregnant and lactating women and 30,974 children under 5 years)
  • Stabilisation Centre at Kismayo Hospital treated 1,858 severely malnourished children
  • Medina Hospital and SRCS Keysaney Hospitals in Mogadishu, and Baidoa Regional and Kisimayo General Hospitals treated 3,632 weapon wounded, performed 21,791 surgical operations and 19,430 outpatient consultations were carried out in these hospitals.
  • Health infrastructure support included improvement and rehabilitation of Medina and Kisimayo Hospitals and the construction of the Beletweyne and Dhusamareb (ongoing) SRCS clinics.
  • Provided ad hoc emergency medical supplies to assist 17 health facilities (first aid posts and hospitals) enable them to treat up to 650 wounded