22nd Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition: Announcement of Opening of Registrations 04/07/2023, International Humanitarian Law The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and The Indian Society of International Law (ISIL) are pleased to announce the opening of registration of teams for the ...
The ICRC and the Rashtriya Raksha University’s seminar on Integrating Humanitarian Principles in Law Enforcement 13/04/2023, About Us / Armed and Security Forces / Detention / Events / International Humanitarian Law Recent events around the world – including natural disasters, the pandemic and ongoing and new ...
AALCO Secretary-General meets Head of the Regional Delegation 11/04/2023, India / International Humanitarian Law As part of the continued association between the Regional Delegation of the ICRC and the Asian–African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) on March 22, ...
ICRC-RRU workshop on 21st Century Naval Warfare and IHL: Implications for Coastal and Maritime Security 24/02/2023, Armed and Security Forces / Civilians / India / International Humanitarian Law / Modern Warfare / South Asia / Videos The field of warfare at sea has seen several technological advancements, and cyberspace has brought ...
Call for applications: 8th Advanced International Humanitarian Law South Asian Academics Platform 20/01/2023, International Humanitarian Law International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is pleased to announce the 8th Advanced International Humanitarian Law South Asian Academics Platform (AISAAP), inviting ...
The 11th South Asian Regional Conference on International Humanitarian Law starts next week in Nepal 28/10/2022, #Nepal / International Humanitarian Law What do the laws of war or the laws of armed conflict mean? How and when are these applicable? In collaboration with the ...