The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and The India Society of International Law (ISIL) are organising the National Rounds of the Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition on International Humanitarian Law from 21-24th October 2021.
This year marks 20 years of the competition in India that the ICRC and ISIL have jointly conducted. This year also marks the first time that the Competition will be held virtually.
Since its inception in 2001, the Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition’s principal objective is to continue developing an increased awareness and interest in IHL in academic institutions throughout South Asia. A further aim is to use IHL to further academic excellence in the student community and to develop their advocacy skills in an environment of friendly competition.
Participation in the Moot Court involves thorough research of IHL treaties, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions and their 1977 Additional Protocols, and the rules of customary law applicable to this area.
In 2001, ICRC’s Regional Delegation in New Delhi initiated the Competition to promote better awareness of IHL among law students at universities across India.
The reputation and status of the Competition has grown steadily since its inception in 2001. The Moot Court has grown to include more than 60 teams representing universities from across India and was further expanded to include a regional competition, drawing teams from countries across South Asia, since 2005, making it the biggest Moot Court Competition in Asia. The national Moot Court competition is followed by a regional competition.
We strongly encourage your University to nominate a team to participate in the 20th edition of the Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition.
The moot problem, registration form, rules and guidelines for the competition are available at The registration forms can be emailed at For any query or clarification regarding participation, you can contact Vinai Kumar Singh, Assistant Professor, ICRC Centre for International Humanitarian Law, ISIL (Tel: 23384458-59; Mobile: 9810580179) and Deepali Gaur, Head, Humanitarian and Legal Affairs, ICRC (Tel: 42211000/42211069).