The International Committee of the Red Cross produces a wide range of publications and reports to promote and increase awareness of humanitarian issues or to outline activities in specific areas. The publications are also aimed at sharing expertise with and supporting our partners and collaborators.


healthcare_md_picto-p4215Domestic Normative Frameworks for the Protection of Health Care

This publication presents a number of recommendations for States – legislative measures and procedures in particular – to help them implement those aspects of international law that protect the provision of health care during conflicts and other emergencies.

The following areas are the focus of attention:

  • improving legal protection for patients and health personnel and facilities
  • ensuring proper use of the distinctive emblems
  • providing legal protection for safeguarding medical ethics and confidentiality
  • dealing effectively with violations of the rules protecting the provision of health care.

The recommendations grew out of the Health Care in Danger workshop held in Brussels in 2014, and draw on ICRC research into the legal frameworks of 39 countries.

A guidance document accompanies this publication; it is contained in Annex XIX to the Manual on The Domestic Implementation of International Humanitarian Law.


Download: ICRC publication: Domestic normative frameworks for the protection of health care



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Partnering for Humanity | Humanitarians and philanthropists working together

Partnership between humanitarians, businesses, philanthropists and governments is a critical aspect of the effort to save lives and help people survive the ravages of armed conflict.

Read our publication below to find out how you can partner with the International Committee of the Red Cross.


Download: ICRC Publication: Partnering for Humanity – Humanitarians and philanthropists working together