Drones, infrared cameras and AI join the search for mines 16 June 2020, New technologies / Weapon contamination Landmine detection is often an inexact and inefficient process, and that’s a problem that the ICRC is trying to solve. Doing so involves ...
Innovation in the time of COVID-19 28 April 2020, ICRC Innovates It seems there is hardly anything left to say on the subject of COVID-19: it is (or is not) the great equalizer, it ...
Interactive training for tricky interviews 28 January 2020, Detention How can you understand what it’s like to interview a person in detention until you’ve done it? A new interactive scenario-based simulation to ...
Innovative products and the ICRC 16 January 2020, ICRC Innovates Challenges in the field need solutions, but solutions need careful analysis, planning and expertise. It sometimes seems as if a new product is ...
Understanding innovation at the ICRC 20 December 2019, ICRC Innovates The InspiRED Days was the first time that the ICRC organized a global innovation workshop, bringing together staff from different departments and delegations ...
ICRC’s Virtual Reality Unit puts International Conference participants into a virtual battlefield 17 December 2019, Behavior change / Law and policy / New technologies On 10 December at the 33rd International Conference, a spotlight session entitled ‘Influencing Behavior to Enhance Respect for IHL’ was presented. The 90-minute ...