ICRC President Maurer addressing the Israel Council on Foreign Relations 22/5/2018 The article was published by the Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs and it is adapted from a speech delivered by Dr Peter Maurer, ...
ICRC President: “Beyond armed violence, there is a grief and trauma that has lasted for generations, in both Israeli and Palestinian communities” 1/4/2018 The article is adapted from an address delivered by Dr Peter Maurer, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to ...
7 issues that will shape the humanitarian agenda in 2018 18/2/2018 A speech given by ICRC President Peter Maurer in Davos, January 2018 “Syria enters its seventh year of fighting in 2018. Hunger and ...
Supporting the future of Syria and the region – ICRC statement to the United Nations 6/11/2017, News releases and statements Speech by ICRC President Peter Maurer, High Level Syria Crisis Ministerial Event, United Nations General Assembly, 72nd session. First published: 21 September 2017 ...
Two vital issues must be addressed now for Iraq’s future 3/11/2017, News releases and statements Speech by ICRC President Peter Maurer, Ministerial-level event on Iraq, United Nations General Assembly, 72nd session. First published: 20 September 2017 As you ...
Famine prevention and response – ICRC statement to the United Nations 8/10/2017, News releases and statements Speech by ICRC President Peter Maurer, High-level event on famine prevention and response, United Nations General Assembly, 72nd session. First published: 21 September 2017 ...
IHL National Competition 2016: Jacques De-Maio’s speech 22/11/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences “The ICRC puts a lot of effort into promoting and disseminating IHL around the world, and one key way of doing so is ...
ICRC President at the World Humanitarian Summit: A commitment to address forced displacement 24/5/2016 “Respect for international humanitarian law, assistance where people are and according to their needs, protection for those who flee and pragmatic solutions for ...
Even wars have limits: Health-care workers and facilities must be protected 8/5/2016, IHL / News releases and statements Speech given by Mr Peter Maurer, president of the ICRC, at the United Nations Security Council Briefing, 3 May 2016, New York, USA ...
Remembering the Shoah: The ICRC and the international community’s efforts in responding to genocide 30/4/2015, News releases and statements / The Holocaust and the ICRC Speech given by Peter Maurer, president of the ICRC, 28 April 2015, Geneva, Switzerland ...