Photo Gallery: Round Table on the Intersection of IHL and Cyberspace 25/8/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences Selected photos from the round table on Intersection of IHL and Cyberspace, held on June 22nd at Tel Aviv University as part of ...
“Even war has limits” – a bar talk with Dr. Helen Durham 15/6/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences Join us to a Bar Talk with ICRC Head of International Law and Policy, Dr. Helen Durham The meeting will be held on ...
Cyberweek 2016: Round Table on the Intersection of IHL and Cyberspace 14/6/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences Can cyber be used as a method of warfare? Is data a target? Can it be considered a target under the under International ...
Why the Mine Ban Convention was worth fighting for and still is 7/4/2016, IHL Mine Awareness Day An article by Helen Durham, director of International Law and Policy, ICRC Nearly 20 years have passed since the Ottawa ...
IHL: ICRC launches new guidance bolstering relevance of Geneva Conventions 23/3/2016, IHL / News releases and statements 21 March 2016, ICRC News Release Geneva – The International Committee of the Red Cross has unveiled major new guidance on the implementation ...
Sexual violence is not an inevitable aspect of war 4/2/2016, IHL Video ICRC law and policy director Helen Durham explains how States and regional bodies committed themselves to dealing with this “hidden” issue at ...