“In Conversation” with ICRC Sports and Inclusion Advisor 10/7/2018 As part of the video series “In Conversation”, Intercross Editor Niki Clark speaks with Jess Markt, ICRC’s Sport and Inclusion Advisor. Injured following ...
Afghanistan: Six ICRC staff members killed and two unaccounted for in attack 8/2/2017, News releases and statements Geneva / Kabul (ICRC) – Six staff members of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have been shot and killed in ...
Afghanistan: First-aid training for taxi drivers saves lives 12/9/2016 World First Aid Day The ICRC runs first-aid courses for 60 taxi drivers in Afghanistan who transport casualties of the fighting to hospital. ...
ICRC President at the World Humanitarian Summit: A commitment to address forced displacement 24/5/2016 “Respect for international humanitarian law, assistance where people are and according to their needs, protection for those who flee and pragmatic solutions for ...
Afghanistan: Portraits of prison 27/4/2016 In 2009, James Nachtwey joined us in Afghanistan, where the authorities allowed him to take photographs in a prison visited by the ICRC. ...
Football: Not just a game, but a game-changer for thousands in Afghanistan 15/3/2016 Years of conflict, violence and desperate hardships have made life almost unbearable in Afghanistan. Landmines, once scattered across the country, have robbed thousands ...
A World in Turmoil 28/1/2016 January 2016 Video Dominik Stillhart, the ICRC’s Director of Operations, discusses the humanitarian state of the world in 2016 Some of the ...