Cultural property must be protected in times of war – Q&A 1/5/2017, IHL Considerable attention has focused recently on the destruction of historic monuments in many of the world’s armed conflicts. What is however not so ...
The red cross, red crescent and red crystal. What do they mean? In one word: protection 30/4/2017, Cooperation with MDA In a world crowded with symbols, what do the red cross, red crescent and red crystal mean? They are symbols of protection ...
Hundreds of Detainees on Hunger Strike Visited 27/4/2017, News releases and statements ICRC Statement 27 April 2017 Jerusalem (ICRC) – ICRC teams continued their visits to detainees on hunger strike for the second consecutive day ...
Cyberweek 2017: Round Table on IHL in Cyberspace and Outer Space 25/4/2017, IHL / IHL events and conferences Join us for the discussion on the relationship between International Humanitarian Law (IHL), cyber technology and outer space as we further explore one of ...
Rules of war (in a nutshell) 24/4/2017, IHL People have always used violence to settle disputes. And all cultures have always had the idea that there have to be limits on ...
West Bank: ICRC Office in Hebron Attacked 20/4/2017, News releases and statements Jerusalem (ICRC) – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) condemns an attack which has taken place in its office in the ...
Ukraine: Foresters keep alive a century-old tradition 16/4/2017 In the Luhansk region, foresters take great pride in regenerating forests, helping protect the environment and provide firewood for the local population. Through ...
Gaza: Fun lessons that could save a life 4/4/2017 International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action 2017 For some children in Gaza, lessons can be a matter of life ...
What does the International Committee of the Red Cross do in Colombia? 30/3/2017, Missing - International stories Relatives of missing persons, those displaced by violence, victims of landmines, communities with no water supply, prisoners and many more people: they teach ...
Water, peace and security 26/3/2017, ICRC In the Media World Water Day 2017 “Water is essential for a life with dignity and parties to conflict, government donors and humanitarian organizations must work ...