International Humanitarian Law: The Annual Seminar for legal professionals was launched 13/2/2017, IHL / IHL events and conferences Legal professionals representing the private, public and non-governmental organization (NGO) sectors, gathered last week in Tel Aviv for the first session in a ...
Is the law of armed conflict in crisis and how to recommit to its respect? 3/1/2017, IHL / IHL events and conferences On 21 April 2016, the ICRC hosted a panel at the Humanitarium to discuss whether adherence to international humanitarian law (IHL) has been ...
Legal experts from around the world gathered at the 11th Annual Minerva-ICRC conference on IHL 21/12/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences Over the years, the Minerva-ICRC annual conference on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) has brought together a range of legal professionals committed to nurture ...
The Hebrew University won the 10th National Competition on International Humanitarian Law 24/11/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences Naomi Kalvo-Lax, Or Malki and Amit Haim from Hebrew University of Jerusalem are the winners of the 10th national competition on International Humanitarian ...
Photo Gallery: The 10th National Competition on International Humanitarian Law 24/11/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences Photos of the 10th national competition on International Humanitarian Law in Tzuba and Mishkanot Sha’ananim, September 2016 Read more: The Hebrew University won ...
The 11th Annual Minerva/ICRC Conference on International Humanitarian Law 22/11/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences We are pleased to announce the 11th ICRC-Minerva Conference on “Contemporary Challenges in International Humanitarian Law” The conference will take place on Monday-Tuesday, ...
IHL National Competition 2016: Jacques De-Maio’s speech 22/11/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences “The ICRC puts a lot of effort into promoting and disseminating IHL around the world, and one key way of doing so is ...
The 10th National Competition on International Humanitarian Law 20/9/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences We are pleased to announce the 2016 Israeli National IHL Competition, which will take place for the 10th time, in Jerusalem from Monday ...
Photo Gallery: Round Table on the Intersection of IHL and Cyberspace 25/8/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences Selected photos from the round table on Intersection of IHL and Cyberspace, held on June 22nd at Tel Aviv University as part of ...
Russian Federation: Fighting Star Wars by the rules 26/6/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences Every year, the Martens Moot Court Competition on International Humanitarian Law brings together the best law students, if not from the entire universe ...