Registeration to the IHL round table
Don’t forget to also register to the main conference
The application of the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) to cyber operations used as means of warfare during armed conflict presents difficult legal, policy and practical challenges. The aim of the round table is to foster strategic thinking about the “grand challenges” at the intersection between IHL and cyberspace. This year we will focus on the IHL and cybersecurity aspects of the use of outer space.
Although the realm of outer space is a relatively recent area for human activity, space technologies enhance and influence many aspects of our daily lives such as weather and disaster forecasting, communication networks, scientific exploration, agricultural monitoring, military preparedness and many other human activities. The connection of these activities to those on earth takes place through cyber connections, especially satellite transmissions through cyberspace.
The legal round table will explore the legal aspects of the interdependence of cybersecurity and space security. The round table will focus on the limitations that IHL may impose on the use of cyberspace technologies, the rights of states to self-defense and outer space military conflict. How existing legal concepts being interpreted and applied to best address these challenges? Do new legal norms need to evolve?
Karen Loehner, Legal Adviser and Head of Legal department, the International Committee of the Red Cross in Israel and the Occupied Territories
Deborah Housen-Couriel, Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center, Tel Aviv University
Dr. Kubo Macak, Exeter University
Prof. Rhea Siers, Scholar in Residence, Center for Cyber and Homeland Security at George Washington University
Ram Levi, Founder and CEO of Konfidas Ltd.
Laurent Gisel, Legal Adviser, International Committee of the Red Cross
Facebook event: IHL, Cyber and Outer Space
Read more:
Round table on IHL and cyber, Cyber Week 2016
IHL and Outer space: Why Outer Space Matters