Somaliland/Puntland: 17 detainees released and returned home 03/06/2019, Articles / Videos Seventeen members of the armed forces of Somaliland and Puntland who were captured in the armed conflict that broke out in May 2018 ...
Somalia’s Red Crescent mobile health clinics 04/08/2017, Articles / Videos For Somalis living in rural areas of the country, access to health care services is hit or miss. Years of conflict and the ...
Supporting Somali Women 11/08/2016, Videos Women can sometimes be more vulnerable than men in times of conflict due to their lesser physical traits and their role as mothers. ...
Rules of war (in a nutshell) 13/07/2016, Videos People have always used violence to settle disputes. And all cultures have always had the idea that there have to be limits on ...
Humanity in Action 13/07/2016, Videos We work together with the people we assist, helping them improve their own livelihoods, so that, whatever their past, they have a future ...
Somalia: Lush, green farms in semi-arid Bakol survive on well water 08/07/2016, Videos Huddur, a small town located in the heart of Bakol region, Somalia, has little in the way of arable land. Very few trees ...