We are delighted to announce the publication of the digital version of the Bangla-language book “Islam and International Humanitarian Law”. This book has been jointly published by the Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh, and the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Using articles of four renowned Muslim scholars, Muhammad Erecsoussi, Former Imam of the Geneva Islamic community, Dr Sheikh Wahba Mustafa al-Zuhayli, Professor at Damascus University of Syria, Dr Ameur Zemmali, Former ICRC Advisor for Islamic World Affairs, and Dr Mounir Tlili, Professor at Ez-Zitouna University, Tunisia, the publication draws on convergences between Islamic/Shariah law and International Humanitarian Law. The translation into Bangla was skillfully executed by Dr Abu Bakr Muhammad Zakaria, Professor of the Department of Al-Fiqh, Islamic University, Kushtia.