In this new article published in the Journal of the Philosophy and Religion Society of Thailand, Professor Claudio Cicuzza of Mahidol University, Bangkok, proposes several working hypotheses on the correlation between Buddhism and Human Rights, a field that has generated rich seam of research over the past few decades. In particular, he explores concepts of “rights” and “dignity” in order to better delineate their significance. Cicuzza argues that Buddhist philosophical traditions can help in this endeavor, and enhance our comprehension of what “rights” and “dignity” are.

Prof. Claudio Cicuzza received his MA and PhD in Indology from the University of Rome, “La Sapienza”. He was teaching Buddhism and religious studies in Webster University and also worked as the Director of the Lumbini International Research Institute. Currently he is teaching Buddhist studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Mahidol University.

Please read the article here.