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De plus en plus de familles se lancent dans un voyage dangereux pour traverser la Syrie et rejoindre les zones frontalières de l'est de la Jordanie. Entre 200 et 500 personnes arrivent chaque jour dans cette zone désertique et reculée. Growing numbers of families in search of a safe haven are embarking on a dangerous journey across Syria to border areas in eastern Jordan. Between 200 and 500 people arrive every day in this remote desert area. Refugees, iamong them the elderly and the very young, walk long distances, mostly at night, to cross the border. Because of the intensity of the fighting on the Syrian side, the usual entry points in eastern Jordan are now harder to reach for the refugees. The refugees are gathered by the Jordan Armed Forces, first at assembly points and then at transit sites. 21-11-2013 Operational Update As the conflict continues unabated, Syrians are fleeing their homes every day to seek refuge in Jordan. With winter approaching, the ICRC and the Jordan National Red Crescent Society are finding new ways to help them cope with increasing needs. Many Syrians who have found refuge in Jordan depend on aid provided by local and international aid agencies. The vast majority of the refugees have been taken in by local communities in northern areas near the Syrian border. Some have not received any other kind of assistance since arriving in the country. "Between 200 and 500 people are arriving daily. Most have endured a gruelling journey across the desert," said Nana Chukhua, ICRC delegate in Jordan. "As soon as they arrive, they urgently need water, food and shelter." "We were forced to travel dozens of kilometres through the desert with scarcely any food or water," said Abu Yazan, a Syrian refugee from Homs. "It was cold, and we had to sleep on the ground." The majority have left all their belongings behind and cannot meet basic needs such as food, health care, house rent, water and electricity bills. Besides distributing relief items to the refugees, the ICRC and the Jordan National Red Crescent Society launched a programme in October to provide cash assistance for 1,000 families in Mafraq governorate, northern Jordan, with the dual aim of helping them and easing the burden on local communities.

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