2022 Season
In our latest season, we take you to the frontlines of Syria, explore the impact of climate on conflict and share the critical work the American Red Cross is doing with veterans in US prisons. Check it out here.
[Archive of shows should go here]
[DELETE: Intercross Playlists
Interested in the latest IHL debates? Operational updates? What about ICRC’s work in the areas of disability, diversity and inclusion? Check out all our playlists here. ]
OLD [Intercross is partnering on a series with ICRC’s Humanitarian Law & Policy blog, which is based in Geneva and provides timely analysis and debate on international humanitarian law (IHL) issues and the policies that shape humanitarian action. With this series we will have regular conversations on trends, issues, future challenges and solutions as they pertain to IHL or humanitarian action. We also will be taking advantage of our coworkers’ deep network of authors including academics, practitioners, legal minds and more to further delve into some of the conversations that have been started on their blog and in the International Review. If you have any thoughts or suggestions on discussions you’d like to see us have, or potential guests, reach out to the podcast series host, Elizabeth Rushing (erushing@icrc.org). Check out the playlist here. ]