Welcome to Inspired: your window into innovation at the ICRC For us, innovation is much more than a buzzword. It is an opportunity to change for the better: for the populations we serve, for our organization, and for our partners. ...
Podcast: What can our brain teach us about behavior change? 19 November 2019, Behavior change What can the ICRC learn from the science of the brain? How can change behavior and neuroscience findings help us better engage with ...
Understanding the science of behavior change – an Innovation Learning Series event 2 October 2019, Behavior change / New technologies Nudging. Influencers. Socio-Economic Models. Human-centered design. This is the field of behavior change. How it happens, why it happens, and to whom it ...
Rewards and risks in humanitarian AI: an example 6 September 2019, Data and digitalization / New technologies / Restoring family links New technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, can make humanitarian work better, faster ...
The challenge to carve out a new energy future 19 July 2019, Environmental sustainability How the ICRC is learning to use energy more sustainably for itself, for the people it serves and for the planet. Every person ...
How to build a Better Body Bag 12 July 2019, Forensics / New technologies The ‘Better Body Bag’ has been a textbook exercise in innovation: it started from a well-defined need; its development has been iterative, with ...
Ethics, data and innovation 3 July 2019, Data and digitalization In every modern humanitarian crisis, collecting data has become an integral corollary of helping affected communities. Data is essential to understanding and responding ...