Embracing digital transformation 2 July 2019, Data and digitalization / New technologies Digital technologies and artificial intelligence are transforming the way people and organizations function in both the physical and virtual worlds. Digitalization is also ...
A nudge towards better behavior 1 July 2019, Behavior change / Health care Target practice in a toilet bowl. It might not seem logical but – according to published studies – a fly painted on the ...
Financing positive impact on people: Q&A with ICRC President Peter Maurer 30 June 2019, New financing models As the dynamics of conflict shift towards being more protracted and more urbanized, so too do people’s needs. The ICRC is examining new ...
ICRC researches Virtual Reality as a behavior change tool 29 June 2019, Behavior change / Law and policy / New technologies Building on past successes Much of the human experience is rendered in storytelling. Some stories resonate more than others and the details that ...
Bringing families together, with a new interface 27 June 2019, Restoring family links There you are, on a day like any other, standing in a crowd. You reach for your child’s hand, but she’s gone. We ...
Panama prisoners lead the way: five years of sustainable living 26 June 2019, Detention / Environmental sustainability An innovative prisoner-led recycling project at La Joyita Prison in Panama has improved the lives of its inmates. Prior to this project, ICRC ...