50 Years after 1967: The 12th Annual Minerva-ICRC Conference 18/5/2017, IHL / IHL events and conferences Evaluating the Past, Present and Future of the Law of Belligerent Occupation Tel-Aviv, 22-23 May 2017 The 12th Annual Minerva-ICRC Conference on International ...
Cultural property must be protected in times of war – Q&A 1/5/2017, IHL Considerable attention has focused recently on the destruction of historic monuments in many of the world’s armed conflicts. What is however not so ...
Cyberweek 2017: Round Table on IHL in Cyberspace and Outer Space 25/4/2017, IHL / IHL events and conferences Join us for the discussion on the relationship between International Humanitarian Law (IHL), cyber technology and outer space as we further explore one of ...
Rules of war (in a nutshell) 24/4/2017, IHL People have always used violence to settle disputes. And all cultures have always had the idea that there have to be limits on ...
Jean-Pictet Competition: Taking the law out of the books 14/3/2017, IHL / IHL events and conferences 144 students from 31 countries including Israel put on the combatant uniform, the magistrate’s dress or the humanitarian vest… During the week, 144 ...
International Humanitarian Law: The Annual Seminar for legal professionals was launched 13/2/2017, IHL / IHL events and conferences Legal professionals representing the private, public and non-governmental organization (NGO) sectors, gathered last week in Tel Aviv for the first session in a ...
10 things the rules of war do 30/1/2017, IHL The rules of war, also known as international humanitarian law: 1. Protect those who are not fighting, such as civilians, medical personnel or ...
Is the law of armed conflict in crisis and how to recommit to its respect? 3/1/2017, IHL / IHL events and conferences On 21 April 2016, the ICRC hosted a panel at the Humanitarium to discuss whether adherence to international humanitarian law (IHL) has been ...
Legal experts from around the world gathered at the 11th Annual Minerva-ICRC conference on IHL 21/12/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences Over the years, the Minerva-ICRC annual conference on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) has brought together a range of legal professionals committed to nurture ...
The Hebrew University won the 10th National Competition on International Humanitarian Law 24/11/2016, IHL / IHL events and conferences Naomi Kalvo-Lax, Or Malki and Amit Haim from Hebrew University of Jerusalem are the winners of the 10th national competition on International Humanitarian ...