ICRC in Israel and the Occupied Territories
ICRC Delegation
37 Menachem Begin, Rubenstein Building, Tel Aviv
Phone: (+972) 35 24 52 86
Fax: (+972) 35 27 03 70
Email: tel_tel-aviv@icrc.org
Head of Delegation – Alessandra Menegon
Spokesperson: Sarah Davies (sadavies@icrc.org)
Nablus Road 26, Sheikh Jarrah District, PO Box 20253, 91202 Jerusalem
Phone: (+972) 2 59 17 900
Fax: (+972) 2 59 17 920
Email: jer_jerusalem@icrc.org
Representative & Head of Operations – Ola Ulmo
Spokesperson: Sarah Davies (sadavies@icrc.org)
ICRC Sub-Delegations
Al Rimal St. 56/706, PO Box 29, Gaza
Phone: (+972) 8 2828 874 or (+972) 8 2822 644/5
Fax: (+972) 8 2828 884
Head of Sub-Delegation – William Schomburg
Spokesperson: Hisham Mhanna (hmhanna@icrc.org)
Saydoun Street, Building number 5, Al Bireh, PO Box 29, Ramallah
Phone: (+972) 1700 721 777
Fax: (+972) 2 24 1 4 034
Head of Sub-Delegation – Arnaud Meffre
Spokesperson: Rula Tabari (rtabari@icrc.org)