Opening the Vault: ICRC Archives Test Machine Learning 16 July 2021, Data and digitalization / ICRC Innovates / Law and policy / New technologies Stored within the vast underground of ICRC headquarters in Geneva is the historical equivalent of ...
Drones, Data and Humanitarian Action 27 April 2021, Data and digitalization / ICRC Innovates / New technologies / Proximity and access Unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, are a valued component of the ICRC’s air operations, used ...
The Biometrics Minefield 26 February 2021, Data and digitalization / New technologies / Proximity and access Biometric data collection appears to offer a variety of potential benefits: technological efficiency, transparency and ...
Rewards and risks in humanitarian AI: an example 6 September 2019, Data and digitalization / New technologies / Restoring family links New technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, can make humanitarian work better, faster ...
Ethics, data and innovation 3 July 2019, Data and digitalization In every modern humanitarian crisis, collecting data has become an integral corollary of helping affected communities. Data is essential to understanding and responding ...
Embracing digital transformation 2 July 2019, Data and digitalization / New technologies Digital technologies and artificial intelligence are transforming the way people and organizations function in both the physical and virtual worlds. Digitalization is also ...