As International Women’s Day – 8th March – approaches, the ICRC New Delhi Blog invites academics, public intellectuals, development consultants and our interlocutors to contribute articles addressing the specific vulnerabilities, concerns and needs of women affected by situations of armed violence.

We offer this platform to not only discuss and share ideas, but also to engage with each other and foreground specific areas on which all of us must focus our efforts today towards a more effective humanitarian response.

Article length: Between 500-1000 words

As you are aware, the ICRC is committed in its efforts to assist people affected by armed violence. As a direct consequence of these conflicts a large number of people globally suffer from disabilities, get displaced, are detained, and many also go missing leaving their families distraught and unable to cope. This has particularly devastating consequences on women. In addition, acts of sexual violence also remain widespread in these situations with severe and enduring consequences on survivors and their communities. The ICRC continues to remain committed in its efforts to prevent violations and to provide assistance to the survivors. The ICRC has been actively engaging with and assisting vulnerable communities affected by violence through its various activities whether it is mental health or economic security, water and sanitation or even habitation. These activities are in consultation with local communities to respond to their needs appropriately and also raise awareness, identify risk factors and develop protection strategies.

Guidelines for your contributions:

1. The ICRC is an independent, neutral and impartial organization. In keeping with these guiding principles, we request authors to observe impartiality and neutrality in their writing. It would therefore be useful to familiarize themselves with the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement.

(To do so, they can visit: HYPERLINK“)

2. We would appreciate if authors would provide relevant photographs, (very short) videos or graphics to go with their article. They can also provide appropriate captions indicating what activity is captured, where it took place and the names and titles of those in the photo. It is important to include the date the photo was taken, the names of the photographer and whether the copyright holder has allowed its use by the ICRC.

3. As much as possible, authors should steer clear of the use of jargons and technical language (to make for seamless reading by even the average person). If it is however necessary to use such language, they should elaborate on the meaning of the terms / phrases within brackets. Plagiarism (i.e. using works by other authors without acknowledging their rights / or citing them for credit) would lead to non-publishing of the article and the rejection of future articles by the same author.

4. Authors should check facts and figures at their end — we will do the same — to minimize errors and provide references where required, (including / URLs to original research, reports or statistics cited in their articles).

5. Authors should include their names, designation, profession, phone number and e-mail address with their articles.

6. The ICRC reserves the right to edit articles and change language wherever necessary. However, where it makes any substantial changes, an edited version of the article in question would be sent to the author (in Track Changes mode). Authors should convey any disagreement on such changes to the editorial team, indicating if they would wish to retrieve their article rather than have it published in that form.

7. An honorarium of 3’000 Indian Rupees will be paid to the author of any published article.

Contributions can be directly sent to

ICRC New Delhi